
Medigus Ultrasonic Surgical Endostapler
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The revolutionary MUSE™ System enables a single endoscopist to perform a transoral anterior fundaplication for the treatment of GERD, avoiding abdominal incisions.
The Medigus Ultrasonic Surgical Endostapler, or MUSE™ system, is a comprehensive endoscopic device that incorporates the latest technological advancements to deliver a more patient-friendly option for Transoral Fundoplication (TF), the procedure intended to treat the leading cause of GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) — a dysfunctional valve between the esophagus and stomach.
Transoral fundoplication is an incisionless procedure intended to treat GERD at its source – a dysfunctional lower esophageal sphincter (the valve at the base of the esophagus). This procedure conducted with the MUSE system may provide eligible patients long-term, relief from troublesome reflux symptoms.
MUSE combines the latest microvisual, ultrasonic and surgical stapling capabilities into one device, which allows a single physician to complete the procedure in approximately one hour. Since MUSE addresses the root cause of the disorder, it has the potential to improve the quality of life for people who suffer from persistent reflux. Because endoscopic procedures do not require incisions, MUSE may be the preferred option for many patients.
Medigus is a leading international company specializing in minimally invasive medical procedures and thanks to Attikouris Medical, it is now available to physicians in Cyprus for the first time.

Muse™ system has the following principal advantages:
- A potentially more attractive treatment than either surgery or lifelong medication
- Less trauma to patient with no incisions
- The entire endoscope is disposable
- A flexible surgical endostapler
- Use of standard titanium surgical staples
- Video capabilities
- Ultrasonic sight
- Digital console
- Transoral procedure - No scars
- Video and ultrasound guided surgical endostapler -Fully controlled procedure
- Standard surgical stapler - Reliable fundoplication
- Intuitive operation by a single endoscopist - Fewer resources needed
- The MUSE'" System has FDA clearance for marketing and CE mark
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